Statement by the
Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean on the
tragic death of the three Israeli youths
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean reacts with shock and dismay to the news that the three Israeli teens kidnapped a few days ago were found dead.
PAM condemns without any reservation this cowardly act and expresses its concern over the possible consequences and escalation of violence in the region, especially against civilians.
PAM calls on the highest Israeli and Palestinian authorities to avoid falling to provocations which are aimed at jeopardizing the already difficult Peace Process. PAM augurs that both sides coordinate efforts to capture and bring to justice the perpetrators of this senseless crime against the persons and the future of the populations of Israel and Palestine.
PAM also takes the opportunity to remind the Assembly’s member states, and the international community at large, to further step up their commitment towards the need to facilitate the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process and to isolate in no uncertain terms all the violent elements who have vowed to obstruct the achievement of a peaceful settlement for the benefit of the Israeli and Palestinian people.
Finally and most importantly, PAM expresses its sympathy and condolences to the families.
Malta, 1 July 2014