Statement by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean



Statement by the
Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean




The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) takes cognizance of the vote at the UN General Assembly, which granted Palestine non-member Observer State Status at the United Nations.


PAM takes the occasion to underscore the importance of direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians to reach the two-State solution, which remains the main route to get the Middle East peace process back on track, and urges both sides, together with the international community, to work towards a political roadmap that can fulfill the immediate and long term aspirations of both populations.


The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean reiterates its commitment to support and facilitate all collective efforts built on the courage to reach the situation, where an independent, sovereign, democratic, contiguous and viable State of Palestine lives side by side with a secure State of Israel.


Peace, security and stability in the Mediterranean depend also on the resolution of the Middle East conflict, and both Israel and Palestine are invited to assume a sense of historic responsibility and vision for their younger generations and the whole region alike.


PAM will continue to offer its regional parliamentary platform as a forum for dialogue between the two sides, and among all parliamentarians of the region, who have always been supportive of the furtherance of negotiations aimed at securing a long and lasting peaceful two-State solution for Israel and Palestine.






Malta, 30 November 2012