STATEMENT – Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean on the situation in Egypt.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, wishes to express its deep concern over the situation in Egypt. PAM is appealing to all concerned to avoid any further violence and physical confrontation, and to resort exclusively to those tools, than can lead to the democratic process of parliamentary representation of all the Egyptian people.

The current popular plea from the roots of society, must be considered by the Egyptian leaders and authorities, as an opportunity to engage in addressing the legitimate concerns voiced by the citizens.

PAM invites the population and the authorities to resolve to find the most mature approach in designing a just and balanced future, based on an orderly transition process that respects the values of the fundamental principles of freedom of representation, expression and association.

It is imperative that the authorities listen to the grievances and aspirations of the population. PAM calls on the leaders and the people of Egypt to undertake at the earliest, a process of dialogue between all the political and civil society representatives, in order to protect the right of every citizen to a decent life in a spirit of justice and freedom, so that progress can be made towards constitutional and legislative reforms.