The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, on the occasion of its Third Plenary Session in Monaco (October 2008), established the 21st of March as the Day dedicated to the Mediterranean.
With the unfolding events in Libya and the beginning of a new democratic political process in Tunisia and Egypt, three PAM member states, the Mediterranean Day dramatically acquires further relevance, in that the occasion confirms the role that each country has, individually and collectively, in securing peace, stability and prosperity in the region, through solid democratic processes and full parliamentary representation of the citizens’ aspirations.
No country nowadays lives in isolation and the wellbeing of the populations is interdependent and consequentially subject to events of both a regional and international dimension.
Today, the Mediterranean Day, should further serve as an occasion for an in depth reflection on the position of each PAM country, in the spirit of national unity and the responsibility each nation carries with regards to the region as a whole.
PAM, in the current circumstances, will continue to support and promote initiatives and processes that lead to the fulfillment and the strengthening of Human Rights, as universally established by the United Nations Charter.
The family of Mediterranean parliaments will strive to be always the common platform where the citizens of the region remain the beneficiaries of its actions. The PAM Mediterranean Day 2011, should be particularly commemorated, in order to learn from current events and, subsequently, consolidate actions aimed at creating the best possible scenarios conducive to peace and stability for all the region’s populations.