Graduate students from the Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies (MEDAC), within the University of Malta, visited the Headquarters of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) at Palazzo Spinola in Malta. The group was welcomed by the Secretary General of PAM, Dr. Sergio Piazzi, who briefed them on PAM’s recent outreach as part of its advocacy and visibility strategy. Following the address by Dr. Piazzi, PAM’s Senior Communications Officer, Martin Micallef, took the floor and illustrated the organization’s activities since the last Plenary Session in the Principality of Monaco in November 2008. The students were accompanied by the Director of the Academy, Dr. Stephen Calleya. Dr. Calleya thanked Dr. Piazzi for receiving the students and giving them the opportunity to learn more about the activities of this international organization. The MEDAC students, who come from a wide variety of backgrounds and countries in the Euro-Mediterranean area, also had the opportunity to engage in a Question and Answer exchange, where many thoughtful and provocative questions were posed. This event was part of the regular extracurricular activities of MEDAC’s academic programme, and was one of a series of ongoing collaborative efforts between the Mediterranean Academy and PAM. In March, MEDAC students had participated to activities organized by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malta on the occasion of the 1st Annual Mediterranean Day, launched by PAM to promote the Mediterranean region.