The citizens at the centre of Parliamentary Diplomacy



ISSUED ON: 13/07/2010

The First Assembly of the Citizens of the Mediterraneanheld in Valencia, Spain, on 2-4 July 2010, discussed the theme Mediterranean dialogues: institution and citizenship in the Mediterranean”.

Dr. Sergio Piazzi, Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM), was invited on behalf of PAM to address the opening ceremony of the event. He underlined the unique role of PAM in the region and gave a general overview of the Assemblys activities, particularly highlighting aspects related to the role of civil society in education, intercultural and interreligious dialogue. PAM has been dedicating part of its strategic initiatives to these issues, resulting in the conclusion of cooperation agreements with the EMUNI University in Slovenia, and with other educational, research and cultural institutions, and other civil society associations in the Mediterranean.

In his final comments to the Assembly, Dr. Piazzi said:”PAM is very attentive to civil society and supports their efforts to include the citizen in the process of Mediterranean integration. I invite this CitizensAssembly to work with us on issues which are critical to the wellbeing of the populations of the Mediterranean. PAM is a platform where civilisations meet on an equal footing”.