The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean participated and contributed to the 5th Plenary Session of the SEECP Parliamentary Assembly, held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on 13-14 April 2018.
PAM was represented by Hon. Momo Čolaković, Head of the Serbian delegation to PAM. In his statement, Hon. Čolaković underlined the relevance that South East Europe has for the work of PAM, which decided to dedicate specific efforts to the region. In particular, PAM will organize, in cooperation with the World Trade Organization, a meeting on the critical role of regional economic areas in the promotion and facilitation of trade, investment and job creation. The meeting will be held in Belgrade on 12-13 July 2018, kindly hosted by the Parliament of Serbia, and will focus on the Western Balkans, a crucial area that would greatly benefit from an enhanced economic integration.
The Head of the Serbian Delegation to PAM also stressed that the Mediterranean and the South East Europe share the same challenges on many other topics, such as counter terrorism, inter-religious dialogue and security. In his concluding remarks, Hon. Čolaković stated the need for the two assemblies to further strengthen cooperation in order to join efforts in addressing the current shared challenges.At the margins of the conference, Hon. Čolaković had a bilateral meeting with Hon. Milan Brglez, President of the Slovenian Parliament and Chairperson of the SEECP, in order to discuss the key role played by Slovenia within PAM and plan future activities.