The Secretariat of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) convened the 4th High Level Meeting of the Parliaments of the Western Mediterranean Forum in Nouakchott, Mauritania, on 15th April 2013.
PAM, responsible for the parliamentary dimension of the 5+5 Dialogue, organized the meeting at the invitation of the Speaker of the National Assembly of Mauritania, H.E. Messoud Ould Boulkheir, on the eve of the Conference of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Western Mediterranean (5+5) Dialogue member states.
In his opening remarks, the First Vice President of the National Assembly of Mauritania, H.E. El Arbi Ould Jidein, underlined the privilege for his country to host the Parliamentary dimension of the Western Mediterranean Forum after more than six years since its last meeting. “This is happening also at the opportune time for the region since PAM can look at the current and future challenges with a new impetus, which calls for concrete and strategic actions”, Ould Jidein said.
PAM President, Sen. Francesco Maria Amoruso (Italy), in his national capacity as co-chair with Mauritania of the 5+5 Parliamentary Dialogue, elaborated further on specific issues of concern, such as the importance of cooperation, confrontation and especially the need for a concerted effort, and a shared commitment to contribute to the resolution of the problems of the region, such as terrorism, illegal migration, organised crime and unemployment. «Today is yet another occasion to underline the convergence and complementarity of the legislative and the executive powers for them to foster joint initiatives according to their respective mandates» Sen. Amoruso said.
During the meeting, key priority issues regarding the security and the stability in the Western Mediterranean region were raised.
French MP, Hon. Michel Vauzelle referred to the situation in Mali, and stressed the role of Parliaments in ensuring the legitimacy of countries within the rule of law, since they are the highest expression of democracy. The role of France, he added, is particularly sensitive, and the decision by French President, H.E. François Hollande, to intervene, was not an easy one due the colonial experience. The threat to Mali’s security, unity and stability was such that it required the intervention of the international community, and PAM, in close cooperation with the United Nations, has an important role to play in order to contribute in the achievement of a long lasting peace, and in establishing a strategic approach towards stability, stretching across the entire Sahelian region and Saharan Africa.
H.E. Mohammed Djemiai, Vice President of the National People’s Assembly of Algeria introduced the debate on the issue of terrorism in the region, and stressed the need to harmonise national legislations in order to combat it in an effective and coordinated manner, including the need for a more integrated control of the borders surrounding Mali to prevent terrorist groups from moving to neighbouring countries.
The Syrian parliament and all the parties involved in the Syrian crisis were called upon to guarantee the safety of civilians and to facilitate the passage and delivery of humanitarian aid from the international community.
The contribution of parliamentarians for the recovery of economic growth in the Western Mediterranean region was also discussed. PAM Vice-President and President of the Economic Affairs Committee, Sen. Lhou Lmarbouh, (Morocco), highlighted the interdependence of stability and development, where trade facilitation, job creation, support to SMEs, youth employment and education are factors that need urgent actions.
PAM Secretary General, Amb. Sergio Piazzi, in presenting the final declaration adopted by the parliamentarians at the Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs the following day, reaffirmed the pivotal role of the Parliamentary Dimension of the 5+5 Dialogue in furthering the cooperation required among the countries of the Western Mediterranean Forum. In this way, they can strengthen democratic institutions and deepen integration to make the region less vulnerable to instability. “Representative democracies and parliaments are best placed to respond to political and economic challenges, and to prevent divisions emerging between leaders and the citizens”, Amb. Piazzi added.
On their part, the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Western Mediterranean Dialogue, in the conclusions at the end of their meeting, invited PAM parliamentarians and local authorities to increase their fruitful dialogue and to provide their precious contribution in the implementation of the objectives and priorities agreed upon in Nouakchott for the well-being of the people of the region.
The next meeting of the Parliamentary 5+5 Western Mediterranean Forum will take place in Portugal in April 2014, at the invitation of the Portuguese parliament.