PAM works to address and tackle issues related to dialogue amongst civilizations, social injustices, such as poverty and gender equality, migrations, access to the labour market, equality at work, and this year, a special focus has been dedicated to people with disabilities”.
Hon. Maria Conceição Pereira (Portugal), Vice President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, made the above statement on the occasion of the Hearing on Dialogue organised by the Committee on Science, Culture, Education and Media of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in collaboration with the Parliament of Portugal, on 25 October 2013, in Lisbon. Topics discussed covered, among others, Identities and diversity within intercultural societies and Good governance and enhanced quality in education. The PAM Bureau member added that the Assembly constantly calls on all its member states to pay special attention to, and apply inclusive policies to all segments of society, where nobody is marginalized.
With reference to current priority issues, such as the situation of the innocent civilian population in Syria, “We are called to assume our political and humanitarian responsibilities, as parliamentarians, as politicians, as well as members of the civil society, and start to act in a more tangible manner as to provide in the shortest of time a peaceful channel aimed at creating harmony among the different and varied voices of the population”, Hon. Pereira said.
Furthermore, in today’s modern and globalized world, one cannot help but notice a wider cultural diversity. The latest conflicts and political instabilities in the Mediterranean region have triggered a strong wave of migration across the Mediterranean, which at times, and very unfortunately, ends up in tragedy. While recalling the tragic loss, a few weeks ago, of hundreds of lives at sea, women and men who were fleeing conflicts and hoping for a better future, Hon. Pereira stressed the importance for Europe to tackle this issue with urgency and collectively, and to understand that the littoral states cannot be left on their own. “Solidarity among states is as important as solidarity towards these human beings in distress. At the same time, we must also start to accept the fact that globalisation is changing our societies and therefore integration is a process that we are bound to consider as part of our development. Therefore, we need first and foremost, dialogue within our societies and then dialogue with the new members of our communities, whatever their provenance is”, the PAM Vice President continued.
As part of PAM’s activities and initiatives for this year, the Assembly is carrying out an evaluation exercise of the situation of women in connection with the changes brought about by the Arab Spring. Women have been themselves in the forefront of the fight for freedom, dignity and civil and political rights in the Arab Spring countries and one cannot ignore such an important role in the context of the changing scenario in these Mediterranean countries.
“There cannot be true democracy unless women’s voices are heard, until they are given the opportunity to take responsibility for their own lives”, Hon. Pereira said.
In concluding her intervention Hon. Pereira stressed that today’s world needs progressive policies and principles founded around the support and defence of human rights, educational and work opportunities and a fair society for all. Progressive policies treat all individuals with dignity, respecting their particular aspirations, differences and autonomy, regardless of their gender, physical abilities, religion, language or national origin.
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) also participated at the OSCE Mediterranean Conference 2013 on Enhancing The Role of Women in Public, Political and Economic Life, held in Monaco on 28-29 October, 2013.
PAM was represented by a delegation led by Vice President Hon. Maria Conceição Pereira (Portugal), and which included the members of the National Council of Monaco’s delegation to PAM, namely, Hon. Jean-Charles Allavena, Hon. Claude Boisson, Hon. Alain Ficini, Hon. Philippe Clerissi and Hon. Nathalie Amoratti-Blanc.
The Conference focused on the three dimensions of security, with an emphasis on the role of women in public, political and economic life, as requested by the Mediterranean Partners. Views and experiences were shared between OSCE participating States and Mediterranean Partners in view of identifying avenues for concrete cooperation and exchanges of best practices.
PAM will continue to use its parliamentary tools to promote and further strengthen inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue, and it will continue to do so in the coming years as a key regional institution.