Tunisian Foreign Minister invites PAM to Tunis to discuss increased cooperation



ISSUED ON: 06/03/2014

On the margin of the UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee, in Geneva, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean Secretary General, Amb. Sergio Piazzi, met with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Tunisia, H.E. Mongi Hamdi, with whom issues pertaining to the democratic process in Tunisia were discussed.

Minister Hamdi and Amb. Piazzi discussed the way forward in the implementation of the new Constitution and looked into the strategic role that PAM can play in garnering assistance in the economic field, including the strengthening of relations with the EBRD. The role of PAM to facilitate a coherent support by the international community to the Legislative Assembly of Libya, was also discussed, as recently suggested by the UNDP.

To this end, the Minister invited PAM to visit Tunis in the near future to identify the most urgent issues and define a work plan to be implemented in the short term.

Other topics raised during the meeting, included the same processes taking place in Libya and Egypt, the forthcoming Conference in Rome to support Libya, and the efforts at the EU and Regional levels needed to speed up the recovery from the economic and financial crisis, in order to provide concrete job opportunities to the youth of the Mediterranean.

PAM has been actively involved, at the request of the Tunisian authorities, in providing the support required in the framework of the drafting of the new Constitution, which was adopted on 26 January 2014, and the re-launching of the economic activities in the country.

The Minister also expressed his appreciation for the participation of PAM President, H.E. Senator Francesco Amoruso, at the Presidential Ceremony on the occasion of the adoption of the Tunisian Constitution held at the National Constituent Assembly in Tunis.

In his personal invitation to Sen. Amoruso, the President of the National Constituent Assembly of Tunisia, H.E. Mustapha Ben Jaafar, had underlined the contribution and the continued support of PAM to theTunisian revolution” and the attention dedicated to the democratic transitional process.