“Ulysse 2009” sets sail



ISSUED ON: 06/10/2009

The President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM), Hon. Rudy Salles, will be visiting Malta on 7-8 October for the opening ceremony of Ulysse 2009 – A Mediterranean Voyage”.

The objective of this voyage is to celebrate some of the key figures of the region who, by their own journeys and intellectual and spiritual influences, have fertilized the vitality of Mediterranean culture and identity. The event is organized by the French Embassy in Malta, the House of Representatives of Malta and PAM Secretariat on the initiative of the French Ambassador Daniel Rondeau. A number of delegates from PAM member countries will be also participating in this event.

Hon. Salles will be meeting the Speaker of the Maltese House of Representatives, Hon. Dr. Louis Galea, and will have a number of bilateral meetings with parliamentarians from the Mediterranean who are attending the event.

The PAM President has also just led a Bureau delegation on a high-level mission to New York and Washington, D.C., where talks were held with senior UN officials and members of the United States Congress and Administration.

The Ulysse 2009” journey will be undertaken by the French frigate La Meuse, which will cruise the Mediterranean departing from Valletta and calling at the ports of Tunis, Tripoli, Limassol and Beirut. Throughout this voyage, approximately 30 high-level speakers will celebrate the work of those personalities who, through their creativity, enriched our cultures and stimulated the path towards the development of our common Mediterranean heritage and civilization.