The 19th Bureau Meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean is in session today (30.01.2012) in Amman, Jordan, at the invitation of the Jordanian Parliament, to discuss the Assembly’s 2012 work plan implementation,and other current issues of interest to the region, such as the democratic transition in the Arab world.
The Bureau members, led by the President, H.E. Senator Fayez Al-Tarawneh (Jordan) will also meet H.E. Ambassador Robert H. Serry, UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Process and UN Secretary General Envoy to the Quartet. Amb. Serry will brief the PAM Bureau about the latest developments in the efforts and discussions aimed at reaching a long lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the way ahead through the Quartet.
Another meeting will be held with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Hon. Nasser Judeh, with whom issues concerning the region in general will be discussed.
This is the first Bureau meeting for President Al-Tarawneh, who was elected in October on the occasion of the VI PAM Plenary Session in Palermo, Italy. PAM Vice-President, Sen. Francesco Amoruso (Italy) will share the latest developments of the PAM Panel on External Trade and Investments in the Mediterranean sectoral priorities such as Energy, Food Security, International Commercial Arbitration and Finance.
On the Agenda of the Bureau are also the preparations for the PAM/UN/OCSE meeting on the process of Constitutional Reform in Bosnia Herzegovina which will be hosted by the Parliament of Malta.
The Bureau is discussing also the Work Plan of the PAM three Standing Committees and Special Task Forces. Hon. Conceicao Pereira (Portugal), Rapporteur on future initiatives in Education will update the Bureau on her work, while the Jordanian and Moroccan delegations will share their thoughts on how PAM can be more proactive on the issue of unemployment and job creation at the regional level.