UN General Assembly adopts Resolution on International Cooperation on Artificial Intelligence

ISSUED ON: 09/07/2024

On 25 June 2024, the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) adopted a draft Resolution entitled “Enhancing international cooperation on capacity-building of Artificial Intelligence”. The Resolution was sponsored by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and unanimously approved by the members of the General Assembly.

This Resolution was anticipated by another one, adopted on 21 March 2024, which was the first UNGA Resolution to consider the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The Resolution promoted safe, secure, and trustworthy AI systems for sustainable development. The letter stressed the importance of considering the malicious use of AI as a threat to state security and human rights. It also called on the international community to join forces to develop and regulate this emerging technology.

The Resolution adopted on 25 June delves further into the theme, which can be deemed relevant for three main reasons. Firstly, it underscores the challenges faced by developing countries and the so-called Global South in capacity-building connected to AI. In this regard, the Resolution resolves “to bridge the Artificial Intelligence and other digital divides between and within countries, and to enhance international cooperation on capacity building in developing countries, including through North-South, South-South, and triangular cooperation”. Secondly, it reiterates that AI developments must comply with the rules set by international law, especially the Charter of the United Nations. As it is emphasized, AI must be founded on the values of inclusivity and diversity. The Resolution explicitly mentions several social groups (women and girls, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples, local communities, children and youth, those living in poverty and rural and remote areas, and those in vulnerable situations) whose welfare could be positively affected by AI. Lastly, it marks a significant step further due to its global reach. Despite being sponsored by the PRC, the United States endorsed the Resolution. Ambassador Fu, director-general of the Department of Arms Control at the Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministry from 2018 to 2022, stated that China “is very thankful for the positive role that the US has played in this whole process” and “hopefully, the Resolution will contribute to a more collaborative international environment regarding AI”.  

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) and the Centre for Global Studies (CGS) consider the UNGA Resolution adopted on 25 June 2024 an essential step towards a sustainable and comprehensive approach to AI. PAM and CGS are working jointly with the United Nations to turn AI into a tool for rebuilding international trust and cooperation.

