Water and adeguate management strategies were the main topics on the agenda of the
Special Task Force on Integrated Resource Management convened by the
Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean.
During the two day discussion, held in Cannes on the occasion of the 10th
International Symposium on water, the debate focussed on the need for national
parliaments of the PAM region to prioritise water resource management on their
political agenda and recognise water as a resource of strategic importance. “The water
issue has wide transversal effects that in the future could influence the stability of the
region as a whole”, said Mr Jose Junqueiro from the Portughese parliament, who
chaired the Meeting of the Task Force.
Delegates from participating countries, including Jordan, Libya, Monaco, Morocco,
France, Portugal, Slovenia and Turkey) commented on their respective situations
regarding water issues with Jordan suggesting that there should be policies adopted in
the Mediterranean to ensure complementariness to compensate between countries
that are rich in oil and those with abundant water supplies.
The energetic veteran French MP, Paulette Brisepierre presented a draft report on the
Integrated Management of Resources (Water) in which she reminded that due to
rising consumption and demographic changes, areas in the south and in the east of
the Mediterranean have been suffering for the last 50 years from a water deficit which
could reach a critical level by 2025.
During the debate the Libyan delagate said that the Jamahirija does not have any
demographic problem in terms of increasing population but on the other hand it has
to face the consequences of people relocating and moving into the cities.
A major concern was espressed in relation to the quality of water and ways on how to
avoid its pollution and how to conserve it for proper use.
Finally it was stessed that 25% of consumption could be cut through proper
management and it was unanimously agreed that PAM is expected to take a long term
prespective for water management and therefore at this stage it is imperative to gain
further knowledge of best practices and sustainable energy programmes to improve
sustainable water management in the future
The Meeting was also addressed by Professor Jan Sadlak, Director of UNESCOCEPES,
Prof. Raoul Caruba, Organiser of the Water Symposium in Cannes, and Mr
Pierre Icard from the Blue Plan (UN). PAM Secretary General, Sergio Piazzi
reminded the delegations that the Mediterranean Charter was being drafted by the
Bureau with input provided by all delegations. The Charter will be submitted for
approval at the Plenary Session to be held in Monaco next November.